Flor Del Café Coffee Farm
At Bona, we hold a firm belief in honoring the origins of our beans and the narratives they hold. The taste of our El Cimarron bean unfolds amongst the high ridged, flourishing mountains of Agua Dulce, Cuilco, a remote part of western Huehuetenango in Guatemala. It is within this picturesque setting that the intertwined histories of coffee cultivation in Guatemala and the renowned Flor Del Café coffee farm come to life.
Coffee cultivation in Guatemala dates back to the 18th century when the first coffee plants were introduced by Jesuit priests. However, it was not until the 19th century that coffee production began to grow exponentially with various regions gaining prominence for their unique coffee profiles. Guatemala’s exceptional coffee-growing region is characterized by an optimal combination of ideal growing conditions, such as nutrient-rich volcanic soils, elevated altitudes, and unique microclimates. Each of these factors play a pivotal role in shaping the exceptional flavor profile found in the region’s coffee, cementing Guatemala’s status as an ideal location for coffee cultivation.
In the 1940s, the Pérez family became one of the first families to cultivate coffee in the remote area of Agua Dulce. The Pérez family worked tirelessly to grow coffee successfully, eventually establishing several estates throughout the valley. Among them, Flor Del Café, known as The Coffee Flower, gained a reputation as one of the most prestigious coffee farms throughout the region, revered by coffee enthusiasts worldwide.
Over the years, the Pérez family has been at the forefront of innovating sustainable agricultural practices, utilizing natural methods to ensure disease and pest control throughout the farm. In the 1990s, Osbaldo Pérez Ramirez, the youngest son of Osbaldo, purchased Flor Del Café and further improved both processes and sustainable agricultural practices while expanding the range of coffee varieties grown on the farm. Today, Flor Del Café boasts a remarkable array of varietals, including traditional ones like Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, and Pache, as well as exotic ones like Maracaturra, Maragogype, Pacamara, Laurina, Anacafe 14, and Geisha.
The coffee industry in Guatemala has also embraced innovation and sustainability. Many farmers have implemented organic farming techniques, focusing on preserving the environment and promoting biodiversity. Additionally, initiatives promoting fair trade and direct trade have gained traction, empowering farmers and ensuring they receive fair compensation.
Flor Del Café is the epitome of Guatemala’s rich coffee heritage. The Pérez family, pioneers in coffee cultivation in Agua Dulce, continuously strive for excellence and innovation, pushing the boundaries of quality and embracing new processing techniques. Their dedication to sustainable
Taste our coffee with Flor Del Café Coffee Farm Beans
Brewing Method Class
Bona’s Brewing Method Class is designed to enhance your coffee brewing skills and introduce you to various techniques and methods of brewing.
Join the Bona Team for a Cupping class
inside of Bona’s own Coffee Lab!