Join the Bona Team for a Cupping class inside of Bona’s own Coffee Lab!
Along with the coffee tasting, you will also enjoy a tour of our Roastery. You’ll see green coffee seeds, different roast profiles, and our state-of-the-art coffee roaster machine.
Cupping is a standardized method to evaluate the quality and taste of coffee. The Specialty Coffee Association created a recommendation of standards to guide an accurate assessment of coffee all around the world. These standards are utilized throughout the entire Specialty Coffee industry ranging from the farmers in Brazil or Ethiopia to a barista in Denver or Europe. Specialty coffee is evaluated through a graded system that is based on a variety of factors including appearance, aroma, flavor, acidity, body, and aftertaste.
Our cupping experience will explain the different factors and qualities that are typically assessed and rated, but we will mostly focus on the taste & aroma of the beans on the table. Bona hosts these cuppings as an opportunity to share the unique tasting process of high quality coffee with everyone, no prior knowledge or experience is needed!
Enjoy tasting and evaluating a variety of coffee beans the same way the industry does!
*Since we will be evaluating aromas, we ask to not wear any strong fragrance.For private classes, send us an email to [email protected].
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Brewing Method Class
Bona’s Brewing Method Class is designed to enhance your coffee brewing skills and introduce you to various techniques and methods of brewing.
This class takes you through the fundamentals of brewing coffee and develops your understanding of the key factors of coffee extraction, including water-to-coffee ratio, recommended grind size, ideal water temperature and quality, and overall brewing time. Six different brewing methods will be focused on during the class including Chemex, Kalita pour over, Hario V-60 pour over, French press, Aeropress, and espresso. Each method will be thoroughly explained with step-by-step instructions on how to brew properly.
In the Bona Coffee Lab, you will have the opportunity to practice each brewing method and discover how different brewing methods can influence the flavors and characteristics of coffee. No prior knowledge or experience is needed – it doesn’t matter how much you know about coffee, everyone is welcome!
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